Yellow Iris, also known as the Yellow Flag, is a perennial plant that is commonly used in landscaping due to its attractive blooms and easy maintenance. The plant grows up to 4 feet tall and produces long, upright, sword-like leaves that are bright green in color. From late spring to early summer, the Yellow Iris produces large, vibrant yellow flowers that can reach up to 4 inches in diameter.
The Yellow Iris is best grown in full to partial sun and prefers moist to wet soil. It can be planted in a variety of settings, including water gardens, pond edges, and bog gardens, where it can add a splash of color and attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies. In addition to its ornamental value, the Yellow Iris is also known for its ability to help filter water in wetland areas, making it a valuable addition to environmental restoration projects. With its hardy nature and attractive appearance, the Yellow Iris is a great choice for any landscaping project.
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